How does a business create a Succession Plan?

Succession planning allows you to transfer your wealth creating potential.


Many who own family businesses, will move into retirement over the next two decades. A delicate process referred to as “succession” or “business continuity” planning can lead to relinquishing leadership roles while transferring their businesses to the next generation.

By developing a succession strategy you can fairly distribute business assets; transfer the power and authority associated with leadership from the senior to next generation; and cultivate family harmony. The successor then becomes the new steward of the family legacy.

An excellent plan will establish the best possible tax planning to limit liabilities that can occur.


How can life insurance pay off my mortgage if I die?


Homeowners typically insure their mortgage and/or credit line debt with the lending institution which sells creditor insurance. This ensures that the indebtedness would be paid off upon the death of the debtor. An alternative route is to purchase a life insurance policy when signing the mortgage papers. Evaluate the following questions when considering buying mortgage life insurance through a lending institution.

  • Are you limiting your life insurance death benefit coverage? The lending institution’s life insurance death benefit is generally limited to the amount left owing on the mortgage (according to its amortization schedule). Conversely, if healthy, most people can purchase an amount well over their home mortgage debt. An increased death benefit could cover multiple liabilities such as increased debt resulting from fluctuating lines of credit, credit cards, or home renovation loans with any creditor.
  • Can you establish or change the beneficiary? Owning your own distinct life insurance policy allows you to designate and/or change a beneficiary who would have the choice of using the money for an alternate purpose, as circumstances require. For example, a surviving spouse may simply desire to keep a low-interest mortgage. He or she would have the option to invest all the life insurance proceeds or pay off higher-interest debt. When using creditor insurance the mortgagee is the only recipient of all of the proceeds.
  • Is the death benefit creditor-proof? If you own the life insurance policy, the death benefit payment is generally creditor-proof. With creditor insurance only your financial institution collects the proceeds at death.
  • Who will own and control the life insurance coverage? You have no ownership or control over a life insurance policy bought only to pay off the debt of a mortgage with one financial institution. It terminates upon repayment of the mortgage; or when you rewrite your mortgage with a different financial institution; or if you sell your house, or foreclosure occurs.
  • How can I ensure the portability of my mortgage insurance? Many people like to shop around for lower interest rates and/or unique mortgages. An individual life insurance policy may be kept as long as you wish, for portability from mortgage to mortgage among different lending institutions, or for other life insurance needs; such as if you were eventually to have capital gains tax payable on your cottage or a second residence at death. This can also be pre-funded when you own your own more permanent policy.
  • Can mortgage insurance be cancelled? Personally owned life insurance policies cannot be cancelled by the insurer. However, the creditor insurance may be cancelled upon renewal of the mortgage, especially if one’s health deteriorates. Such cancellation may mean that you have become an “uninsurable risk” by the next time you renew your mortgage. It is precisely during a health problem that one might choose to increase the mortgage or associated debt (where the home is the collateral in a hybrid type of mortgage with lines of credit, etc.).
  • Can you customize your coverage? Unlike creditor insurance that is directed by the creditor to provide protection for the creditor, personally owned life policies allow individuals to tailor their coverage to their specific needs and requirements. Such flexibility could allow for the inclusion of policy provisions that would allow for the purchase of additional insurance regardless of health, the conversion of a term policy into permanent coverage, or a variety of other customizable options to meet individual needs.
  • Will a surviving joint-owner retain coverage? Creditor insurance may cover two parties who jointly mortgage their property. However, it pays only on the first death, even if the two were to die. When one spouse dies, creditor insurance no longer covers any survivors. In contrast, by owning your own insurance policy, two spouses or partners may each own separate life insurance death benefits. In the case where both parties die, double the benefit would be paid, thus adding increased value to the estate. If one survives, the coverage on that life continues.
  • Can you avoid future insurance medicals? If one is currently healthy it may pay to take the opportunity today to acquire a personally owned life insurance policy––or increase the coverage on an existing plan––and keep it over time. In this way, you may be able to sidestep the limited future functionality of mortgage insurance offered by creditors. Many group insurance plans and creditor plans offered by insurance companies are asking for full medicals before initiating the coverage.
  • What about group plans offered at work? Similarly, insurance offered by any group benefit plan, especially in light of plant closures, carries the risk that group insurance would be lost at some point. And any plan offered by a bank or a credit card is actually some form of a group plan offering no true ownership, portability, or guarantee of long-term continuance.

Note: Before cancelling or excluding the use of creditor insurance, make certain that you are properly protected with a life insurance policy benefit appropriate to your financial needs. In some cases, you may need to assign a life insurance policy for collateral at a financial institution. There may be disability insurance coverage included with your creditor insurance that may be important to acquire or retain. There may also be costs or fees associated with cancelling or replacing an existing policy.

How do I diversify my portfolio?

shutterstock_15283585By diversifying among carefully selected, different asset classes, you reduce the risk of being over-exposed to any particular asset class.

For example, an investor may hold assets such as bonds, GICs, balanced funds, equity funds, foreign equities, etc.   The adage of “not putting all your eggs in one basket” applies to a diversified portfolio of assets.  Having 10 different equity funds in a portfolio does not mean that an investor’s portfolio is diversified.

Does your business need an Estate Freeze?

If your business assets possess the potential for significant capital gains, and you have children who might take over the company, an estate freeze may be worthwhile considering. An estate plan can assess the fair market value of an estate and the potential tax on the capital gains that will be due.

shutterstock_69171412 MEDIUM SIZEThe company’s value can be reasonably pre-established with your input, as opposed to your executors and lawyers negotiating with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) after your death. Ask your tax accountant how an estate freeze would affect your business and if this is the most viable option to consider when transferring or selling your business to your heirs.

Estate planning will help you determine who will be the beneficiaries of your estate, who will take over the company, or if you should sell your assets currently.

An estate freeze or a partial freeze is a way to transfer all or a portion of the new growth in the value of the company to the new owner-heirs. You exchange all or a portion of your existing equity for a class of non-growth voting preferred shares. These preferred shares allow for a fixed income in retirement and the maintenance of future control, enabling a fall-back contingency for the freezor to assume a takeover (to save the company from poor management by the new heirs or to sell the company etc.).

Due to the technical complexity of an estate freeze, and potential changes to tax legislation professionals must be consulted when considering this option.

Estate freezes coupled with the intelligent use of life insurance can help reduce the effect of a massive tax-bite on your estate. Such planning can also free up capital for retirement because life insurance can pay the tax bill versus using any money saved for retirement.