Sure-Fire ways to invest for a rewarding life

Here are several tips to contemplate before investing in a mutual fund:

1. Eliminate the unreasonable desire for get-rich-quick profits. No one gets rich overnight after purchasing mutual funds. However, many people may get rich investing in them over the long term (at least 5-10 years). Equity funds (those holding stocks) are affected by the stock market when the market is gaining and when it is depreciating.


2. Identify your investment goals. Will you be saving for your child’s education over 15 years, or investing for retirement over 5, 10 or 20 years? Don’t buy a fund just because it has skyrocketed in value during any one period. Instead, choose the fund most suitable for your investment purpose. For example, keep short-term investments liquid if you put money away for an emergency (it is advised to save three months of income for costly emergencies). You can use a money market fund for this saving, not an equity fund. Consider using equity funds for a more extended investment period of 5-10 years. 

3. Invest in several types of funds. Don’t put all your money in one fund basket. A well-rounded fund portfolio utilizes several investment types of securities: equity, balanced, bond, and money market funds, for example.

4. Maximize your tax savings. Register a mutual fund investment (to create an RRSP) if you do not yet own an RRSP. Contributions are tax-deductible in relation to your taxable income, and the investments grow tax-deferred.

5. Position your fund investments. The best place for retirement investments that accrue interest or generate high returns is inside your RRSP because the income on these investments won’t be taxed year by year. Thus, you will gain the advantage of the total yield without the tax on interest-as-income. If you earn 5% and pay 40% in tax, you’ll only get 3.0% in a non-sheltered, non-registered investment (in the RRSP, you’ll get the full 5%). Consider placing mutual funds that accrue capital gains and pay dividends over fewer taxable distributions in a non-registered vehicle or a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA).

6. Invest in yourself first. The advantage of owning mutual funds is that you can establish a plan where the money is automatically taken out of your bank every week or month and invested (by purchasing fund units). You probably won’t miss this portion of your pay; try to invest 10-20% of your paycheck using this method.

7. Take investing seriously. Investing is that act of life whereby you put away today what you will need tomorrow.

How can mutual funds help manage financial risk?

How can mutual funds help manage financial risk?

In business and investment, more significant gains are associated with both business success and variable risk. Six risk factors are examined below, along with constructive ways to deal with them.

Risk increases with the potential for gaining wealth in the markets

There is no such thing as gaining wealth without risk. Risk generally increases within any business or investment when the potential for gain is greater. Mutual funds diversly invest in the stocks of many companies. If a business succeeds, its stock price (and dividends) can increase in value and pass that worth on to the fund unitholders.

If many companies’ stocks increase in value in a mutual fund, the investor’s wealth can increase relative to the resulting total net increase in all of the fund unit’s value. In the short term, a mutual fund, like any business, can fluctuate in value, so the risk of losing money in the stock market increases if equity fund investments are held for only a short period.

Defining Investment Risk

The potential for gain generally increases the longer you hold equity fund investments. Because economic performance is uncertain, an investor who seeks growth by investing in the ownership of companies via equity mutual funds cannot have zero risk. Most successful investors realize that the following risks exist yet invest despite these:

• Interest rate risk when increasing could negate gains of certain income funds investing in bonds.
Solution: Maintain a balanced portfolio including equity funds and different types of income funds: money market, short-term bond, and long-term bond funds.

• Business failure risk could deplete the value of any one company’s stock.
Solution: Consider investing in equity mutual funds because they hold many different stocks.

• Purchasing power risk is an alarming reality faced by everyone due to inflation’s historical average, which has been between 3% and 4%.
Solution: Calculate inflation into your retirement planning and consider investing in equity mutual funds over the long term, with the potential to build sufficient wealth to meet increased future budget demands due to inflation.

• Market risk occurs because markets are cyclic, rising, correcting, and occasionally declining.
Solution: Diversify your funds, investing in a family of domestic mutual funds and internationally among foreign mutual funds as not all markets move together.

• Opportunity risk occurs when you cannot invest your money for a potentially better return, such as when you are invested in a locked-in type of investment, such as term deposits, or have tied up your income in monthly payments.

Solution: Try not to lock up all of your money, keeping some in money market funds over any given period.

• Liquidity risk occurs when you cannot quickly sell a given investment, such as an extensive real estate portfolio.
Solution: Invest in mutual funds. If money is urgently needed, funds can be sold and money accessed on any business day with possible costs.

Invest by paying yourself first

Some people never pay themselves first.

After most people have paid for their necessities, there seems to be little left over for investing.

Determine your perspective on investing. Always spending and never investing is a serious dilemma often based on a certain mindset that can easily change for the better.  Do you view yourself as a consumer or an investor?

If you see yourself as a “consumer”, you may experience that there is never enough paycheck left at the end of the month for investing. However, is this caused by a lack of income or your own spending patterns? The first barrier to investing is a “perceived lack” of investment capital, often not reflecting reality. Unfortunately, what we think often becomes our reality.

Investors have personal discipline Conversely, “Investors” take an honest mathematical look at their expenses, separating discretionary income from what one needs to live on, knowing that impulsive buying decisions, even to purchase many small things on sale can add up.

This disciplined viewpoint allows them to have money to invest. Once paid, the first “consumption” decision can be to purchase an investment suitable to their goals and objectives.  The rest of their paycheck is then spent with no worries on required consumption for the rest of the month.

Investors get good advice, and then act. Many people are impatient or confused when it comes to the science of investing.  True “Investors” all have a key characteristic that makes for success — taking the right action with professional advisory assistance.  They also understand that without experience and knowledge, investments decisions can be made in haste, and potentially destroy an otherwise good investment plan.

What are the 5 Laws of Wealth Creation?

Here are five wealth creation principles that will remain true forever.

1. You must get time on your side by investing early in your lifetime. Time adds value to money. Delayed investing shortens your time, which increasingly requires the compensation of higher and higher returns to meet your retirement goals. Examine the following graph to see how time affects your investment growth.

Source: Financium

2. Your investment growth must exceed inflation. If you earn 8% on a $10,000 investment per year, over 20 years with inflation at an average 4% your actual investment will grow to $457,620, but your actual buying power in the future will only be $208,852 (while your money is growing, inflation is increasing the cost of goods). The graph below indicates how inflation might affect your investment’s future buying power.

3. Algebraic factors apply to investing. You can indicate your multiple on capital invested by applying mathematical rules, factoring in both time and rate of return.


· Double Your Money: Rule of 72. To find out how many years it will take to double your money, divide 72 by your average annual rate of return.

· Triple Your Money: Rule of 113. Divide 113 by your average annual rate of return to see how many years it will take to triple your invested money.

4. Taxation can reduce your investment returns.

Every dollar of tax retained through tax-planning is a dollar earned.

· Deduct what you can against your income. Business owners have the advantage of deducting many operating expenses from their revenues.

· Contribute to registered investments. For both business owners and employees, registered investments may allow deductions against earned income and may offer tax-deferral.

· Defer as much taxation as possible. The beauty of registered investments is that they allow some tax planning benefits depending on your income, and capital available to invest.

5. Become an active investor. It is important to begin investing early in life when you get your first job or begin your career. By beginning early, you can have the above stated mathematical laws of doubling and tripling your money working for you. Many wait far too long before investing and lose the value that time can add to a good investment portfolio by increasing the future accumulation of investment money.

The following table will let you know just how much you will need to invest to accumulate one million dollars.

Source: Financium

Why do segregated funds have higher management expenses?


What the higher expense pays for 

The insurer holds a reserve in relation to the several guarantees provided in the policy contract. Due to market fluctuations, it is especially important that actuaries calculate and hold reserves needed to pay any future liability due to a capital loss.

Guaranteed Capital Protection Because of the need to assess and insure the portion of capital guaranteed, insurers must be involved. A slightly higher management expense ratio (MER) pays for these capital-conserving features.

Retirement planning advantage Some segregated fund policies allow for additional insured security, promising that a pre-established monthly payment of segregated fund premiums (i.e., investments) will continue on your behalf in the event of a disability. Consider how valuable this pledge would be to your retirement if you could no longer work.

Fund your Emergency Plan to care for loved ones

Emergencies happen when we least expect them.  Depending on the severity of the emergency, it can equate to a massive financial loss, including the expense of connecting with loved ones, travel expenses, and lodging expenses etc.


Emergencies often occur when families are not together. When the 911 incident occurred parents (the most financially able and responsible) thought about the safety of their kids at school or elderly parents across town.

During times like these, if phones don’t work, or some neighbourhoods aren’t accessible, what plans do your family members resort to? Having a plan, and previously discussing it with loved ones, will save time and real-time stress.

Know how to connect in case of an emergency  In a catastrophic emergency such as one that can occur during a hurricane, you’ll need a simple way to contact and/or meet one another if going home isn’t a possibility. Consider a safe place to meet like a community centre, library, or school.

The phone or mobile is usually the first method of connection. Establish a plan that includes contacts that can help your family communicate and find each other. Young school children, if they’re in class or day care will need to be picked-up. Know the emergency policies, and designate someone to pick them up. If your children are in university or living away from home, include them in your emergency plan. Teach them how they can identify themselves if they become separated from you and who to call, like 9-1-1 or your local emergency numbers, to get help.

Get updates from the radio, television or Internet  Listen to the radio or television for information from local authorities and follow their instructions. Call 911 if appropriate. They may advise of dangerous areas or evacuations. You may need to turn utilities off such as electricity, water or gas valves. Ensure that everyone also knows the location of your family emergency kit and fire extinguisher.

Everyone should know your home’s safe exits and best places to go. And remember your pets, who may not be allowed in shelters or hotels. Identify kennels or friends’ homes where they can go in an emergency.

Elderly family members and/or those with special needs should also be a part of your plan. List the medications and supplies they may need and have them ready to transport with your luggage, in the event of an evacuation. Know any information caregivers will require. If they live alone, ask a friend or neighbour to check in on them or help them evacuate.

Have your personal documents ready  In addition to your plan, documents will help you stay organized. Make copies of birth certificates, passports, wills, and insurance info. These documents, along with photos of your family members, should be kept at work, or other safe locations.

Having a plan is also part of being a responsible family leader and citizen. Local authorities will react swiftly, but they can’t reach everyone at once. Being prepared allows these responders to help those in urgent need first. So, do your part! Learn about the specific emergencies that can happen where you live.

How do you fund emergencies?  Make sure you have put aside enough money to respond to urgencies such as flying a family member (or the entire family) out of a location. You may need money for lodging, clothing and or food.

By reviewing what occurred in Japan when nuclear reactors were damaged, we are humbled to acknowledge our dependence on one another and need of financial independence to be able to act swiftly, or make expenditure when the need arises.

Source Excerpts: Environment Canada

Life insurance to protect heirs from debt


The expansion in the growth of using credit is partially due to lower interest rates. The paradox is that low-interest rates lessen the interest payments to reduce debt while at the same time motivate people to assume much more debt.

Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship. Benjamin Franklin

Debt Affects Family Savings Increased spending is often supported by increasing debt loads. When debt overburdens your resources to repay what you owe, you may need debt counselling that may lead to debt consolidation.

Do Your Math If your expenses exceed your income, you will increase your debt if you rely on credit. Amassed debt can undermine otherwise healthy finances and the ability to invest for retirement. Saving indicates a stewardship that respects the fact that money is the only symbol of trade for a company’s goods and services exchanged for an individual’s energies.

Reduce Debt and Save More The amount of savings often advised is based on the age-old recommendation to save 10-20% of your disposable income.

Interest rates on borrowed money can always increase so it important to realize that low-interest rates do not last forever. Always plan to service the debts that you take on today.

Beware of the potential consequences of taking on significant debt. Life events such as loss of employment or income, a change in family status or a serious illness, can cause a huge drain on finances.

Life insurance protects your heirs It is important to insure all your household debt with life insurance as these liabilities can be paid off tax-free in the event of death. If you are one of the main breadwinners in a family, call your life insurance specialist today.

Talk to your advisor about life insurance to protect your heirs.

Strategies for individuals and families


An organized strategic financial future should be designed with these areas in mind:

  • Financial independence at retirement to provide you with a sustainable income.
  • Disability and Critical Illness Insurance to protect your income by providing replacement income if you are sick or disabled.
  • Liquidity of your assets in the event that an emergency or opportunity presents itself.
  • Survivor’s financial and estate protection at death provides immediate cash to meet short-, medium- and long-term living needs.

A balanced plan must also address the needs of elder care as our population ages.

You should address the potential for a long-term illness

Long-Term Care Insurance is designed to provide financial relief and assist with the daily expenses at older ages for personal care required as a result of loss of basic abilities to dress, bathe, transit to or from the bathroom, maneuvering in or out of bed or chairs, or feeding yourself.

Registered Retirement Planning

As we discuss retirement planning, we will look at Canada’s registered plans. For example:

  • The Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) while building your nest egg, and a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) during retirement, offer you the chance to defer tax on your investments and achieve some tax relief.
  • Tax-Free Savings Plan (TFSA) allows you to save money while deferring investment income on the after-tax monies invested.

We’ll help you create a plan just right for you.

You can enjoy peace of mind knowing you have a financial strategy that provides you with confidence that all of your financial resources are working together toward your long-term financial goals.

Your goals and dreams are as individual as you are. 

Whether you’re starting a new family, preparing for retirement, or running a business, we will work with you or your business to build a plan to meet your needs. A customized plan can help you manage risk and bring your goals within achievable foresight.

We can help you devise a plan that addresses objectives such as investment and retirement planning; minimizing income and estate taxes; assessing your life and disability insurance, will, and estate planning needs. A good financial strategy that reflects your changing life needs is unique—that is why we’ll support you with a financial analysis that will help you make wise financial decisions designed to meet your long-term and short-term goals.

Why is portfolio strategy important?


Portfolio strategy is a method used for investment planning. Here we look at some of the sub-categories within investment planning:

Having a strategy helps you to understand your tolerance for risk.

Each of us has a personal level of risk tolerance which indicates how much risk one is willing to take while investing in markets that always go up and down. Your advisor can help you establish your own unique governing guideline.

Understand your investment time frame.

You may want to save for your child’s education, your retirement, a vehicle, or a home down payment. Each of these projects can take a certain amount of time, which is a component you apply to your calculations and potential future value with tax considerations and/or registered government tax programs.

Re-evaluation and Re-balance your portfolio holdings.
You also may want to monitor, re-evaluate, and balance your portfolio. When you consider how your assets performed, you will also need to consider any market situations that may be occurring. Some assets may have returns that are greater than their benchmarks, others may not.

While rebalancing your portfolio, you can re-establish original asset allocations. When you are re-balancing assets be cautious of any tax consequences for selling  early, or buying and selling too often.

Develop your “Investment Plan”.

Once your investment plan is written down for reference, it will provide a road map to help you attain your investment goals while not getting you off track due to analysis paralysis, or the many distractions that may cause people to procrastinate. If you find that you just can’t get motivated but know time is slipping by, call us and we will be glad to work with you to develop a portfolio strategy, within your overall investment planning. Getting assistance from a professional advisor will ease the stress of thinking about investing and help free your mind to enjoy life?

Don’t become a Chameleon.

Beware of following the investment crowd or chasing last year’s stock or fund winners. Past performance is not an indicator of future gains while investing in securities, or equity funds that invest in stocks and/or bonds.

What makes investing in mutual funds simple?


The following advantages, make investing in mutual funds simple:

· Simplified investing You can select an industry or sector or country and/or currency within which a mutual fund trades securities. You do not have to to hand-pick each security. The mutual fund manager does this security selection process for you. You don’t have to be assessing which stock or bond may or may not be a winner. A fund manager is trained to weigh out all the market contingencies which can affect investor performance.

· Low-cost diversification A small monthly purchase plan can have you moving forward in your mutual fund investments in a day. Your money can buy a piece of many different investments held within one or more funds.

· Dollar-cost averaging Dollar-cost averaging allows you to buy more fund units when the unit values are down, less when they are high, giving you some benefit from downward volatility.

· Flexible access to your money You can sell your fund shares in one day. Your proceeds are available the next day if your money is needed in the short term.

· Portfolio balancing Choices include the full range of fund types, and strategies are available to use such as strategic balancing of your fund holdings.

· Automatically invest You can automatically invest more in mutual funds at any time or use dollar-cost-averaging.

· Professional management Mutual funds have active professional management watching over your investment.

Source: Adviceon